STDU Viewer
STDU Converter
DjVu format designed to store scanned books in electronic form, however, it is not widely distributed, and not all devices on the e-ink allow you to view this file type. PDF format is more popular among various electronic devices. Hence you need to convert DjVu documents, which you have, to PDF format. The best way to do this is to use STDU Converter. In this article we try to tell you how to do this.
First of all you need to download and install STDU Converter. After installation, launch the program. Below, we describe one of the algorithms which allows you to convert your DjVu document into PDF format.
Once the program was launched, select a document, which you want to convert. You also need to set the path and the name of the output PDF file. Click the upper "Browse" button and select a desired DjVu file in the appeared window. The path to the selected file appears in upper edit control. The program sets the path to the resulting file in the "Destination PDF file" edit control automatically, if you don't like this path, you can change it. You can type the path manually or use the corresponding "Browse" button.
This step is not necessary and you can skip it. But we strongly recommend you to fill in the information about converted documents, at least define author and title. A lot of electronic library programs use this information to automatically reorder books and documents. The Creation and Modification dates fields are automatically set to the current date, but you can change these properties of the document if necessary.
Sometimes you don't need to convert the whole document, but it is enough convert only some pages. To select the pages you want to convert, go to "Pages list" tab. You can check and uncheck pages of the source document either one by one in the list or select several pages in the list and use the buttons on the toolbar.
If you need to view the content of the page, select the corresponding record in the list and you'll be able to see the image of the page in the preview window to the right.
If the source document contains color pages, but you want to read the results on the e-ink device, you have to convert pages to black-white color scheme. This allows you to decrease the weight of the output document without quality loss. To proceed select pages in the list, for which you want to change color scheme, and use buttons on the toolbar.
If you change your mind, you can cancel your choice and restore the source color scheme for this pages.
If your source document was scanned with too high resolution, you can decrease the size of the resulting document changing the page resolution. Select pages, for which you want to change resolution in the list and click the right mouse button to open the menu. In the menu select the "Resolution" item and the subitem that corresponds to the appropriate page resolution (or select the "Custom" subitem and set the resolution of the pages manually).
If you change your mind, you can cancel your choice and restore the source resolution.
Well, you set all setting of the result document now. Click the button "Convert", the conversion process will start and you can follow its progress. Wait until the end of the conversion process.
Once the conversion is over, you will see the following message: "Conversion is completed. Open destination file?". Click "Yes" to open the converted document by your default PDF viewer.
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